
 奥瑞瑞亚的健康中心 在校园开放,提供免费的COVID-19检测和疫苗接种. 除了, the 奥瑞瑞亚的健康中心 provides a wide array of general medical care, 运动医学, 妇科医生, 以及精神病学心理健康服务. 许多是通过远程医疗预约提供的. 大多数科罗拉多州提供的健康保险计划被接受. Please call (303-615-9999) to schedule an appointment prior to going directly to the 健康中心.


接入中心 努力提供和促进一个支持性的, 可访问的, 为残疾学生提供包容的学习环境. 的 provide leadership to the University community to ensure that qualified students with a 残疾 have equal access to University programs, 服务, and activities through academic accommodations and collaboration in order to advance 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s commitment to inclusive excellence. Students who are seeking support can contact the Access center by phone at 303-615-0200, by email: (电子邮件保护),或到122广场的办公室参观.


的 咨询中心 offers students no-cost and confidential therapy in a virtual setting in addition to an array of clinical 服务. Students should call 303-615-9902 to schedule an appointment with a therapist.


的 学生关怀中心 offers a variety of 服务 to support students with difficult life circumstances that are affecting their academic success or University experience. 如果你遇到一个处境特别困难的学生, 是否学术, 金融, 或个人, the 病例管理 team in the 学生关怀中心 can assist with identifying options and relevant supports. 学生可致电303-615-0006或发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 连接,或者你可以通过a引用一个问题 保健咨询.


的 多样性办公室 & 包容  在与多样性相关的问题上发挥领导作用. It promotes diversity and inclusion in all aspects of campus life through the development of initiatives that encourage diversity and inclusive excellence. 预约电话:303-615-2063或电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)


的 ”中心 三机构办公室是否为学生服务, 教师, 以及Auraria校园内所有性别和性取向的员工. 它位于蒂沃利学生会213室. 透过电邮((电子邮件保护)) 或致电303-615-0515.


的 奥瑞亚校园警察局 致力提升Auraria校园的生活质素. 总机-紧急调度303-556-5000

短信提示720-593-TIPS (8477)

校园信息热线1-877-556-EMER (3637)


的 学生办公室主任 provides student support and 病例管理 服务 to students in need. 如果你正在经历一个充满挑战的生活状况, 比如住房或粮食不安全, 金融问题, 最近失去所爱的人或关系, or you are worried about a friend who is experiencing unexpected life events that affect the ability to go to school.  请致电303-615-0006,电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) ,或提交 医疗报告.


的 三k党员 is an evening shuttle service offering rides to and from Auraria Campus buildings and designated stops located throughout the campus. 夜行者服务:303-556-2001




的 Colorado Civil Rights Division (CCRD) is charged with enforcement of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA). 《皇冠博彩》禁止基于受保护阶层的就业歧视, 住房, 以及公共场所.

Phone: 303-894-2997 | Toll Free: 800-886-7675 | Hotline Español: 720-432-4294


U.S. 教育部(DOE) -民权办公室

的 mission is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence through vigorous enforcement of civil rights in our nation’s schools.

电话:800-4FED-AID (800-433-3243) | TTY: 800-730-8913


U.S. 平等就业机会委员会(EEOC)

的 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is the federal government agency responsible for the enforcement of anti-discrimination laws related to employment. 联邦法律禁止基于年龄的歧视, 残疾, 比赛, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 同工同酬, 性骚扰, 怀孕和报复. 这些法律适用于各种工作场合, 包括招聘, 发射, 促销活动, 骚扰, 培训, 工资, 和福利.

Phone: 800-669-4000 | TTY: 800-669-6820 | ASL Video Phone: 844-234-5122



科罗拉多法律服务公司提供有意义的高质量法律服务, civil legal 服务 in the pursuit of justice for as many low-income persons and members of vulnerable populations throughout Colorado as possible.




Employee Assistance 项目 (EAP) are offered by many employers in an effort to support the wellbeing of employees and the workplace. eap通常提供短期咨询, 推荐和资源, 以及培训和组织发展服务.

Phone: 303-866-4314 | Toll Free: 800-821-8154 | 24/7 Urgent Mental Health Response: 844-493-8255



提供文化和语言响应程序, 促进健康和预防犯罪教育.

24-hours Hotline Numbers: 303-894-8000 (English) or 303-718-8289 (Español)



的 Stalking Resource Center provides multiple 服务 including: Training, 技术援助, 一个网站, 和信息交流中心.

1 - 855 - 4 -受害者(855-484-2846)



ACP is a “statewide program that provides survivors or domestic violence, 性犯罪, and/or stalking with two 服务: a legal substitute address for interacting with all state and local government agencies and a confidential mail forwarding service.”


性侵犯 & 关系暴力资源:


的y work with hundreds of organizations and individuals in local communities across the state to prevent and end relationship violence, 支持那些受感情虐待影响的人.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-SAFE (7233) | TTY: 800-787-3224



为性侵犯提供咨询和支持. 的ir support includes the availability of volunteers to accompany someone who experienced 性ual assault to a hospital for a medical forensic exam.




SafeHouse provides emergency shelter and non-residential counseling and advocacy 服务 to adults, 孩子们, 以及遭受亲密伴侣暴力的青少年.



1 in 6

1in6提供外联服务, 教育及服务, 亲自或通过网络, 那些经历过不想要的或虐待性行为的男人.

24/7服务热线: http://1in6.org/helpline/



为遭受童年性虐待的成年幸存者提供团体支持. 推荐合格的治疗师.

电话:303-238-8660 |免费电话:800-373-8671



Provides 24-hour hotline; 个别咨询 (fee based on a sliding scale) for survivors of 性ual assault; medical advocacy; legal advocacy; group therapy



科罗拉多州LGBTQ Colfax中心

为科罗拉多的女同性恋发声, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, and queer (LGBTQ) community and playing a role in statewide initiatives to reduce 骚扰 and discrimination.




SOL addresses “challenges and systems of oppression facing the LGBTQ community, offering direct survivor support and 培训 opportunities for agencies committed to our people’s liberation from violence.”

电话:303-839-5204 |热线:1-88-557-4441



的 Initiative advocates for persons with disabilities who have experienced abuse, 包括安全规划, 个别咨询, 直接法庭支援, 社区资源导航, 病例管理, 危机干预, 医疗伴奏




的 丹佛残疾人权利办公室 (DODR) is an integral division of the Agency for Human Rights & 社区伙伴关系. 的 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that provides people with disabilities equal access to employment, 州和地方政府的项目, 商品和服务. 的 Office of Disability Rights also investigates complaints of alleged discrimination on the basis of 残疾 filed locally or federally under the Americans with Disabilities Act.




科罗拉多州残疾人法 is an independent public interest non-profit specializing in civil rights and discrimination issues. 它保护人类, 身心障碍者的公民权利和法律权利, 感染艾滋病毒的人以及科罗拉多州的老年人.

电话:303-722-0300 |免费电话:800-288-1376